Monday, July 23, 2007

Exploring the limits of a debate – perceptions and perspectives from the South Pacific

Christine Röhrer has spent fifteen years of her career working on environment and development, about half of the time being posted to developing countries in Central America and Africa. She is now employed as Environment Adviser by the UK government Department for International Development (DFID).

Whilst small islands, sustainable tourism and climate change have been part and parcel of her diverse portfolio of work (e.g. negotiations of the sustainable development plan for Small Island Developing States), she is now about to fulfil her life-time dream. She will take a three months break to travel to the South Pacific. From mid August onwards she will be out on islands in Micronesia, Melanesia and Polynesia. Being passionate about water she is likely to spend most of her time in the ocean admiring and enjoying the natural beauty and wildlife of coral reefs, her favourite ecosystem.

But she also wants to use her time there for listening, learning and looking beyond: Due to climate change part of the paradise, some of the islands, island groups, even whole nations are literally going to drown soon. For a few of them emigration and resettlement plans exist already. But how do people think and feel about it? Are there any messages we should listen to more carefully, thoughts missing in our intellectual and political debates in the North?

respect is happy to announce that following our request she has agreed to occasionally share pieces of thoughts with us.

Pease, visit also our web-page at

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